February 26, 2009

Recruitment for CupcakeCamp - who's with me?

Earlier this week I heard of something called CupcakeCamp, and I think it sounds pretty interesting. Described as an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and eat cupcakes in an open environment, CupcakeCamp is essentially bringig together cupcake lovers in an effort to make new friends, share recipes, and most importantly, celebrate the awesomeness that is the cupcake.

I'm currently laying the groundwork to host a New York City CupcakeCamp, but I need your help! If you live in New York and would like to join the official planning meeting, please e-mail me at cupcakecampnyc@gmail.com.

I'm going to scout some venues this weekend (most likely bars), so if you would like to join me, shoot me an e-mail.

I'll be sure to update this blog with more details, including a baker's sign up, etc.

Yay for cupcakes!

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